Feb 132014
Quilt- Young Gold
Things to do this weekend in Los Angeles (2/13-2/16)-
- Artwalk Downtown LA- http://downtownartwalk.org/artwalk-lounge/
- Flux- new film and video work at The Hammer- http://hammer.ucla.edu/calendar/detail/type/program/id/2089
- Imagine Dragons, The Naked and Famous at the Forum- http://www.fabulousforum.com/event/imagine-dragons.html
- Casablanca at the Egyptian Theater- http://www.americancinemathequecalendar.com/content/casablanca-1
- Breakfast at Tiffany’s at the Aero Theater- http://www.americancinemathequecalendar.com/content/breakfast-at-tiffany%E2%80%99s-3
- Spiritualized at the Ace Hotel (also on Saturday)- http://www.acehotel.com/calendar/losangeles/spiritualized
- Quilt at the Satellite- http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/429499?utm_medium=469634
- Sandra Bernhard and The Flawless Zircons: Sandyland at Royce Hall- http://cap.ucla.edu/calendar/event_detail.asp?id=381
- Death and the Powers live simulcast at the Hammer- an interactive, multimedia event occurring simultaneously with the opera performance at The Dallas Opera- http://hammer.ucla.edu/calendar/detail/type/program/id/2090
- LA Zine Fest at Helms Bakery- http://lazinefest.com/la-zine-fest-2014-exhibitors/
This is also a big weekend in Palm Springs-
- Palm Springs Art Fair- http://palmspringsfineartfair.com/
- Modernism Week- http://www.modernismweek.com/
- Opening of Recline/Design: Art and the Aesthetics of Repose at Palm Springs Art Museum- http://www.psmuseum.org/palm-desert/exhibition/recline-design-art-and-aesthetics-repose/
AND- Beware Jamzilla-another 405 closure- http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-jamzilla-405-freeway-20140212,0,2425934.story#axzz2tDx5O1oZ
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)