Feb 072025

This mural, Southern Expansion, was created by Zulu Painter and is located in St. Pete, Florida.

Located in the old phone booth on the corner is a plaque that reads-

In the late 1800’s, Black Men were hired to continue the railroad in to the territory that is now known as St. Petersburg, FL. These men settled in this area and were largely responsible for building our city and streets and creating this Gulf Coast community.

This mural honors the history and legacy of the African American people at the foundation of our great city.

You also find Zulu Painter’s work on Instagram.


Jan 292025

This mural by Los Angeles based artist Mikael B was created for the 2017 SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete, Florida.

For the most recent work by Mikael B, check out his Instagram.

Dec 062024

This mural by James Bullough was created for the 2022 edition of SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete, Florida. It replaced the previous one by Joram Roukes from the 2017 edition.

For more work by Bullough, also check out his Instagram.

Nov 082024

This mural was created by Florida artist Taylor Smith aka Dreamweaver for the 2022 edition of SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete.

You can find more of her recent work on Instagram.


Nov 082024

This mural was created by San Francisco artist Ricky Watts for the 2021 edition of SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete.

Check out his Instagram to see more of his recent work.

Nov 072024

This mural was created by Ben Johnston for the 2022 edition of SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete, Florida. You can also find his recent work on Instagram.

This year is the 10th Anniversary of the festival which begins tomorrow 11/8. On Saturday, 11/9/ there is a kick-off party, taking place at FloridaRAMA.

Aug 172024

This mural was created by Claudia Walde, aka MadC, for the 2022 edition of SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete, Florida.

For more of her work, also check out her website and Instagram.

Aug 082024

Gift, by Lili Yuan was created for the 2020 edition of SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete, Florida.

This is her statement about the work from the SHINE website

“With millions of gallons of wastewater spilled around Tampa Bay in recent years, I chose to depict an obscured female surrounded by water to convey an implicit narrative that the water and humanity are more tightly coupled than ever. After going through many ideas, I went for a simplified design because the value of water itself is precious enough to resonate. Holding water in hand symbolizes a precious gift from nature as water sustains all life no matter big or small; and the round shape represents nature’s best gift – our mother earth.

Meanwhile, I chose the Chinese idiom “上善若水“, which means “Be like water, as water stays humble while benefiting all”. It shows the importance of water and strikes a chord with humans whom should all be loving nature and preserving our precious water resources.”- Lili Yuan

Jul 122024

This mural was created by Nicole Salgar for the 2021 edition of SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete, Florida.

For her most recent work, also check out her Instagram.

Apr 242024

Rainbird, by Miami-based artist Douglas Hoekzema, aka Hoxxoh, was created for the 2023 edition of SHINE Mural Festival in St. Pete, Florida.