Oct 022024

Kathleen Strukoff, “Turquoise Bird”, Mixed Media, Kee Gallery

Backstreet Art District in Palm Springs consists of several art galleries and studios and hosts a monthly event on the first Wednesday of every month. For additional information and a list of all of the galleries and their current showings, head to their website.

Below are a few selections from this past summer.

Work by Ernesto Ramirez

Work by Erich Meager

Kee Gallery is owned and operated by artists Kathleen Strukoff, Ernesto Ramirez, and Erich Meager.

Work by Aurora Lucia-Levey at Tom Ross Gallery

Work by Rae Harrell from her gallery

Paintings by Martin Prew at Kevin Goddess’s gallery

Paintings by Kevin Goddess

The studio in the back of Stephen Baumbach Gallery

Stephen Baumbach Gallery hosts numerous photography exhibitions throughout the year and houses a fine art printing business.


Work by Gary Wexler

The studio at Gary Wexler Design



Jan 292024

Whimzeyland, the “Bowling Ball House”, is a local landmark located in Safety Harbor, Florida, created by artists Todd Ramquist and Kiaralinda.

About the house from their website

In 1985, they purchased the beige house on Third Street in Safety Harbor, Florida. They traveled everywhere, actively seeking out inspirational and unusual places. Inspired by these travels, they began transforming their house. One of the earliest additions were the wooden triangles to the eaves of their house. The beige house became bold in color, too.

One day, they went to a flea market and saw a sign that said that anybody could take 10 free bowling balls. They took the bowling balls and began painting and placing them around the property. This is how they became known as the bowling ball house of Safety Harbor.

Todd and Kiaralinda even branched out of decorating their home, creating two different art cars, designed a restaurant, and making public sculptures, among other things. They began calling themselves the Whimzey Twinz because they work together on all of their projects.

Their travels soon included visits to folk artists and artists that they met at their shows. These friends visited them, too. Todd and Kiaralinda’s bowling balls inspired many of them. They would create bowling balls for Todd and Kiaralinda, who got so many of these works from artist friends that they started a gallery in their home. They created a “Call for Balls” which made a lot more of these art works roll into their home. Today, they have over 80 bowling balls from various artists around the world and people still bring them bowling balls as gifts.

If you are in the area, make sure to also stop by Safety Harbor Art and Music Center (SHAMc), a nonprofit they opened in 2017. It has an art gallery and shop, and hosts music events and art classes as well.