Jan 162025

Charles Ray “Family Romance”, 1993, and Ashley Bickerton “F.O.B.:Tied (White)”, 1993/2018

Charles Ray “Family Romance”, 1993

Maurizio Cattelan “WE”, 2010

Tishan Hsu, “mammal-screen-green-2”, 2024

Work by Josh Kline

“Untitled”, 2008-9, and “Two Breasts”, 1990, by Robert Gober

Mike Kelley, “Brown Star”, 1991 (left) and “The Judge”, 2018, by Jana Euler (painting on right)

Wanghechi Mutu, “One Cut”, 2018, (center sculpture); photographs by Cindy Sherman, 2010/2023

“Pep Talk”, 2024, by Cajsa von Zeipel and Jamian Juliano-Villani, “Women”, 2024, (painting on right)

Post Human, the current group exhibition at Jeffrey Deitch’s Los Angeles location, continues an artistic investigation of humanity that began with the 1992 exhibition of the same name. Some of the over forty artists (and even some of the works) were in the previous iteration, but now their work is placed alongside others made more recently. Seeing them together offers viewers a chance to  contemplate the shifts and continuations in culture, technology, and what it means to be human.

From the gallery-

“Post Human was virtually a manifesto trumpeting a new art for a new breed of human,” wrote the art historian and curator Robert Rosenblum discussing the impact of the exhibition in the October 2004 issue of Artforum.

In 1992, Post Human, curated by Jeffrey Deitch, brought together the work of thirty-six young artists interested in technological advancement, social and aesthetic pluralism, and new frontiers of body and identity transformation. Through their art, these artists were exploring the same questioning of traditional notions of gender, sexuality and self-identity that was—and still is—taking place in the world at large. Capturing a developing social and scientific phenomenon, Post Human theorized a new approach to the construction of the self and interpretation of what defines being human. The exhibition set the agenda for the 1990s, and its influence on artists and philosophers led to a new field of academic study.

In her book Posthuman Feminism (2022), the philosopher and feminist theoretician Rosi Braidotti credits Deitch for capturing “the avant-garde spirit of the age by foregrounding the role of technology in blurring binary boundaries between subjects and objects, humans and non-humans.” She adds, “Post Human showed also that art assumed a much more central role as it merged with science, computerization and biotechnology in further re-shaping the human form and perfecting a flair for the artificial.”

The catalogue of the 1992 exhibition, with its visual essay and innovative design by the late Dan Friedman, also proved lasting relevance. Deitch’s influential essay predicted many of the scientific and sociological shifts that have since shaped our cultural and social environment, even the pandemic.

More than thirty years later, Post Human at Jeffrey Deitch, Los Angeles, revisits the theme of the exhibition, bringing the discourse into the present. The show includes several of the key figures who participated in the 1992 exhibition in dialogue with some of the most interesting artists continuing the exploration of these themes today. In keeping with the social and technological trends that inspired it, the interest in figuration of the original artists and the younger generations presented in the show is conceptual rather than formal.

Much of the then-new figurative work was descriptive of the “real” world but cannot, in fact, be called “realistic” in the conventional sense. That is because so much of the “real” world the artists were reacting to had become artificial. With the concept of the real disintegrating through an acceptance of the multiplicity of reality models and the embrace of artificiality, Realism as it was once known was no longer possible. This new figurative art may have actually marked the end of Realism rather than its revival.

Fully integrated into our pop psychology, the term “posthuman” is now used in everyday conversations and has come to primarily identify with the trope of the cyborg. This exhibition, like the 1992 show, however, examines multiple declinations and aspects of the postmodern construction of personality and the engineering and transcendence of the human body. The artists in the exhibition embrace notions of plurality, metamorphosis and multi-beingness. Cyber-futuristic, surgically improved, commodified, stereotyped, and politicized, the “cultured body” lends itself to reflect on a variety of concerns that define our age.

Several works in the exhibition will embrace the biometrical aestheticization of the human body to address the decay paranoia, the social conflict over genetic engineering and the use of biotechnologies, and the conversation around the limits of “natural” life.” Artists have long engaged with the threats of biometric surveillance, the possibility of virtual reality overtaking our physical one, the accelerating real-time consumption of experience, and the automation of the workforce. As AI’s ability to fulfill our creative and specialized needs has reached mass fruition, artists are confronting the impact of what was once considered speculative science fiction, an everyday reality.

Post Human was first presented at FAE, Musée D’art Contemporain, Pully/Lausanne (June 14–September 13, 1992) and traveled to Castello di Rivoli—Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Rivoli/Turin (October 1–November 22, 1992), Deste Foundation, House of Cyprus, Athens (December 3, 1992–February 14, 1993), Deichtorhallen Hamburg (March 12–May 9, 1993), Israel Museum, Jerusalem (June 23–October 10, 1993). A number of the works shown in 1992-1993 are now in international museum collections. Matthew Barney’s REPRESSIA (decline) (1991) is now in the collection of LACMA, where it was on view in 2023. Posthumanism has since been the subject of countless books, movies and high-profile exhibitions.

Artists in the exhibition: Isabelle Albuquerque, 
Matthew Barney
, Ivana Bašić
, Frank Benson, 
Ashley Bickerton, 
Maurizio Cattelan
, Chris Cunningham
, John Currin, 
Alex Da Corte, 
Olivia Erlanger
, Jana Euler
, Rachel Feinstein, 
Urs Fischer, 
Pippa Garner
, Robert Gober
, Hugh Hayden, 
Damien Hirst
, Tishan Hsu, 
Pierre Huyghe, 
Anne Imhof
, Alex Israel, 
Arthur Jafa, 
Jamian Juliano-Villani
, Mike Kelley, 
Josh Kline, 
Jeff Koons
, Paul McCarthy
, Sam McKinniss, 
Mariko Mori
, Takashi Murakami
, Wangechi Mutu
, Cady Noland, 
Charles Ray
, Cindy Sherman, 
Kiki Smith
, Hajime Sorayama, 
Anna Uddenberg, 
Cajsa von Zeipel
, Jeff Wall
, Jordan Wolfson, and 
Anicka Yi

This show closes Saturday, 1/18/25.

Apr 042019

People, the current sculpture exhibition at Jeffrey Deitch’s Los Angeles gallery in Hollywood, fills the large room with work in a variety of media but all representing human beings in some way.

From the press release-

More than fifty standing, sitting and hanging figurative sculptures will fill Jeffrey Deitch’s new Los Angeles gallery. The artists in the show span several generations from the 1980s to the present, with an emphasis on emerging talent.

All of the works in the exhibition reflect a contemporary approach to sculpture inspired by the innovations of Dada, Surrealism, Assemblage and by the influence of non- or meta- art sources like department store mannequins.

Only one work in the show is carved or modeled in the traditional way. Some are made from body casts, others are constructed with found objects and only a few use conventional sculptural materials like bronze.

The works in the exhibition reflect the diversity of the artists who created them and the diversity of the people who the sculptures represent. The styles range from hyperrealism to allegory. The subjects range from ordinary individuals to creatures of fantasy. The works explore the uncanny confrontation of the artificial and the real while simultaneously responding to the multiple approaches to human identity in the contemporary world.

One of the sculptures, Totem, by Narcissister even incorporates live women. This adds to the unsettling feeling that some of the other sculptures, like Nobody, by Karon Davis (who founded The Underground Museum with her late husband Noah Davis), might have included real people as well (they don’t).

Karon Davis, “Nobody”, 2019

One of the strongest pieces in the exhibition is David Altmejd’s Pyramid in which a human/dog hybrid figure sits smoking while its back opens to expose insides composed of quartz, a hand, and several ears protrude from its sides. The little details are fascinating. He’s even painted one of the figure’s fingers purple, perhaps a reference to Human, the Ibizan hound with one purple leg that was included in Pierre Huyghe’s exhibition at LACMA.

People was inspired by Mike Kelley’s exhibition and book project The Uncanny, from 1993, and that’s definitely an accurate description of how it feels to wander around in this particular room of sculptures.

This exhibition closes 4/6/19.



Jan 182018

Joyce Manor- Last You Heard Of Me

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (1/18-1/21/18)-


Tennis System and Souvenirs are opening for Teenage Wrist at The Hi Hat

Artist Gala Porras-Kim will be discussing her work from A Universal History of Infamy with curator Megan O’Neil, at LACMA (free but ticket required)

Also at LACMA is a screening of John Carpenter’s classic They Live

Guards and Veronica Bianqui are opening for The Soft White Sixties at The Echo

At REDCAT, LA-based performers Rubén Martínez and Raquel Gutiérrez will be performing VARIEDADES, “an interdisciplinary performance that brings together music, spoken word, theater, comedy and the visual arts, loosely based on the Mexican vaudeville shows of early 20th century”


Surfer Blood are playing at The Hi Hat with Terry Malts opening

Sociologist and writer Greg Snyder will be discussing his book SKATEBOARDING LA at The Last Bookstore with some of the professional skateboarders profiled in the book joining him (free)

De Lux are playing with The Juan Maclean at The Regent Theater

Suno Deko is performing at the Bootleg Theater with special sets/collaborations with Zach Tetreault, Cyrus Gengras, Alex Somers, and Julianna Barwick

iHeartRadio ALTer Ego 2018 is happening at The Forum with Beck, The National, Spoon, and more


The Women’s March is taking place in downtown LA- moving from Pershing Square to City Hall

Joyce Manor are playing two shows at Union Station– tickets are still available for the earlier one (3pm) with Surf Curse and Peach Kelli Pop

For the final weekend of Mike Kelley: Kandors 1999-2011 at Hauser & Wirth, Extended Organ, Lonely Street and Telecaves will be performing (free)

There are still tickets available for the later show at The Broad of En Cuatro Patas: The Formaldehyde Trip, a work by Mexico City artist Naomi Rincón Gallardo, that includes songs and videos dedicated to murdered Mixtec activist Alberta “Bety” Cariño, performed live with props (part of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA)

Wolf Parade are playing at The Fonda Theatre with Charly Bliss opening (also Friday)

Sondre Lerche is performing at Largo


Worn-Tin is playing at the Moroccan Lounge with Small Forward and runnner opening

Hammer Museum is showing the experimental short films of Narcisa Hirsch as part of Los Angeles Filmforum’s Ism Ism Ism: Experimental Cinema in Latin America, part of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA (free)

Death of Lovers (members of Nothing) are playing at the Echoplex with Choir Boy opening


Nov 162017

Nilüfer Yanya- Baby Luv

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (11/16-11/19/17)-


British singer Nilüfer Yanya is playing The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever with Monogem opening

Array @The Broad is screening the film Daughters of The Dust at The Theatre at the Ace Hotel with a conversation to follow with directors Julie Dash and Ava DuVernay

Writer and artist Marisela Norte will be giving a walk-through of Hammer Museum’s Radical Women exhibition (free)

Tennis are playing at the Fonda Theatre with Wild Ones

Hauser & Wirth are screening German artist Andy Hope 1930’s Vertical Horizon (free but register)

There are still tickets available for Metronomy’s early (6pm) show at The Regent Theater

Beach Slang are playing at the Echoplex with Dave Hause and The Mermaid and See Through Dresses opening


The Underachievers are playing a $10 show with Warm Brew and Injury Reserve at The Novo

Surf Rock Is Dead and Sarah Chernoff are opening for Shout Out Louds at the El Rey Theatre

LA Zoo Lights, the annual holiday celebration at the zoo in Griffith Park, begins tonight and runs through 1/7

Curls are playing with Hibou and Suncruiser at the Moroccan Lounge

There are still a few tickets left for a midnight screening of Pulp Fiction at Tarantino’s New Beverly Cinema

Egrets on Ergot, Bastidas!, and Sister Mantos are playing a Solidarity with Mariachis’ Rent Strike Benefit Show at The Smell


REDCAT is hosting an all day Symposium on Mike Kelley’s Kandors, currently on view at Hauser & Wirth (free but ticketed)

The Great Los Angeles Walk returns for its annual cross city trek, this time taking Beverly Boulevard (free)

Jackalope Art and Craft Fair returns to its outdoor Pasadena location (also Sunday)

Vulture Festival LA is bringing numerous celebrities to the Hollywood Roosevelt for ticketed events including Issa Rae, Jill Soloway in conversation with Lena Waithe and more

Gary Numan is playing at the Teragram Ballroom with Me Not You opening

Daedelus, Mono/Poly and Free The Robots are playing a show at Union Nightclub


Pasadena’s wacky annual Doo Dah Parade returns with after parties to follow (free)

Window dresser, cultural critic, author, and creative ambassador-at-large for Barneys New York, Simon Doonan, will be discussing Mundo Meza in conjunction with MOCA’s exhibition Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A., at the West Hollywood Council Chambers

Baio and Teen Daze are playing an early show at Zebulon

Ibeyi are performing with TheMind at The Theatre at the Ace Hotel

Tony Molina, Faith Healer, Toner, and Cecil Frena are playing at The Smell

Nov 092017

De Lux- Oh Man The Future

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (11/9-11/12/17)-


Artist Artemisa Clark will be giving a walk-through and discussing artworks from Hammer Museum’s Radical Women exhibition (free)

Blanck Mass are playing at Resident with Egyptrixx opening

Red Nation Film Festival continues with independent films showcasing the Native American and Indigenous perspective (running until 11/19)

Pete Tong is at the Hollywood Bowl presenting Ibiza Classics with the Heritage Orchestra with a special appearance by Moby

Hovvdy are playing with Jurassic Shark and Young Jesus at the Bootleg Theater


LA based artists Candice Lin and Miljohn Ruperto will be discussing Lin’s article and Ruperto’s work in the new issue of X-TRA Contemporary Art Quarterly, at Ghebaly Gallery

De Lux are opening for Cut Copy at The Shrine Auditorium

Hamilton Leithauser is playing at the Fonda Theatre with Courtney Marie Andrews opening


Artist Zoe Leonard will be discussing her work with curator Hamza Walker at Hauser & Wirth (free but register)

DUBLAB is hosting a free record fair at Zebulon

Shigeto is playing at the Echoplex with Ela Minus opening

Tropicalia Fest is happening at Queen Mary Park with a TON of bands playing including- Los Tigres del Norte, Chicano Batman, Kali Uchis, King Krule, Jhené Aiko, Surf Curse, Thee Commons, Slow Hollows, Red Pears and more

The Dead Ships are playing at The Moroccan Lounge with SPELLES and Velvet opening

Hennessey + Ingalls are having their annual art book sale- a good chance to start getting some holiday gifts (running till 11/12)


Artist Sterling Ruby is doing a walk through of the exhibition Mike Kelley: Kandors 1999-2011 at Hauser & Wirth

The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA is celebrating recently opened site-specific exhibition, Adrián Villar Rojas: The Theater of Disappearance, with free admission all day, DJs and more

It’s the second and last day of DesignerCon at the Pasadena Convention Center

Artist Alex Israel will be in conversation with critic and curator Jack Bankowsky at LACMA Art Catalogues with a book signing and reception to follow (free)

Fazerdaze is playing at The Echo with Common Holly opening

The Grove’s Annual Tree Lighting celebration returns with performances and fireworks

Rebirth Brass Band are playing at the Teragram Ballroom


Oct 192017

Mitski- Townie

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (10/19-10/22/17)-


Art historian Elena Shtromberg will be discussing the work of artist Anna Maria Maiolino at MOCA Grand Avenue (free)

Screaming Females are playing at the Bootleg Theater with Street Eaters and Hit Bargain

LACMA is hosting a free screening of 11/8/16, a documentary made up of 16 stories from 16 different filmmakers all taking place in America

Warbly Jets are having an album release party at Moroccan Lounge with The Entire Universe opening

Nick Hakim is playing at the Echoplex with Sam Evian and Jimmy Whispers opening

Sego are at The Echo with Goldensuns and Oddnesse opening


The Lemon Twigs are playing at the Teragram Ballroom with Cut Worms and Fatal Jamz (also Saturday)

The Pancakes and Booze Art Show returns to Los Angeles with art from over 100 artists, performances, and of course pancakes and booze (also Saturday)

Front Porch Cinema’s free movie at Santa Monica Pier this week is the live action Beauty and the Beast

Angel Olsen is opening for Arcade Fire at The Forum

Cloak & Dagger Festival runs tonight and tomorrow til 2am at the Globe Theatre and The Palace Theatre. Tonight the lineup includes The Jesus and Mary Chain, TR/ST, Mykki Blanco, HEALTH and more


The Brewery Artwalk is back for its Autumn edition- a great chance to check out the artists in the large complex and get some food and drink while there (also running on Sunday)

Hauser and Wirth is having a public opening for Mike Kelley: Kandors 1999-2011, with food, drink and music by Moon Uterus

Curls (with Christopher Owens of Girls) are playing with Sure Sure at Moroccan Lounge

Allah-Las are playing at The Regent Theatre with Entrance and Mapache opening

Pop-Up Magazine at The Theatre at Ace Hotel brings a magazine to life with “film, photography, film, radio, and original music all mixed together and performed live onstage”- for this iteration presenters include LeVar Burton and TV writer Cord Jefferson

Moses Sumney is playing at the El Rey Theatre with Sudan Archives

Crystal Castles are playing at The Wiltern


Mitski is playing with Palehound opening at the Fonda Theatre

The Beverly Hills Art Show is back for its two day outdoor show with over 245 artists (also Saturday)

The A.G. Geiger Art Book Fair is taking place in Chinatown and is focused on art books, zines and music created by people on the West Coast (free)

Santa Monica Art Studios is having its annual open studios event (opening night is Saturday 6-9pm)

Eyelids are playing with Two Sheds and The Broken Hearts at The Echo


May 252017

Sleepy Sun- Seaquest

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (5/25-5/28/17)-


Band of Horses are playing at the Greek Theatre with Frightened Rabbit

At LACMA artist Michael Mandiberg and artist/researcher Lior Zalmanson will discuss “the connection between digital arts and online labor including its recent manifestations: crowdsourcing and the gig economy” (free)

The New Division are playing at Union Nightclub with FYOHNA opening

The Oracle Film Series continues at The Broad with Bruce and Norman Yonemoto’s film Kappa, a collaboration with artist Mike Kelley, and Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s  Sud Pralad (Tropical Malady)

Pantha du Prince is playing at The Echo with Telefon Tel Aviv and Newman Wolf

No Parents are playing a show at The Hi Hat with C ROY, Dumb Fucks, Enemy and Musty Boyz


Constitutional Happy Hour returns to the Hammer Museum– the topic this week is immigrant rights

Ab-Soul is playing at the El Rey Theatre

It’s the last of the four part series Subject: Los Angeles at the Bob Baker Marionette Theater. The theme this week is Los Angeles on Shifting Ground and “will examine the city’s habit of erasure, as well as forms of collective recall, through disaster footage, visualizations of local wind patterns, documentation of lost neighborhoods and landmarks, contemporary marketing schemes for “historic downtown,” and a 16mm presentation of Thom Andersen’s GET OUT OF THE CAR (2010), with an introduction from Thom.”

Moaning are playing with Prettiest Eyes and more at The Smell

Wafia is playing at The Echo with Demo Taped opening


Sleepy Sun are playing at The Hi Hat to celebrate their new record Private Tales, with Big Search opening

Artists Pippa Garner and Zackary Drucker will be in conversation at Redling Fine Art

The Bowtie Project is hosting Beginnings Marathon,” a performative collage of beginnings and unfinished narratives” with artist Vlatka Horvat.  Bring your favorite book and read aloud from the first page ( it can be from any genre, and in any language) or you can just listen to the performance and enjoy s’mores around the fire pit.

Hitchcock’s North by Northwest is the film this week at Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Or you could see Pulp Fiction outside of The Autry

Feminist collective PLAG (Play Like A Girl) is having an all ages, all day, all female and non-binary fronted music event at the Echoplex with Kitten headlining


L.A. Zine Fest is at the California Market Center (free)

You can get your Memorial Day beach trip in and enjoy a festival at Fiesta Hermosa, the annual Hermosa Beach event (also Saturday and Monday)

French Vanilla are playing with Peach Kelli Pop, Mommy Long Legs and Rotten Blossom at The Smell

The Lovely Bad Things are playing at The Hi Hat with Wild Wing, The Red Pear, and Joos


Jul 242014

White Fence- Like That

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (7/24-7/27)-


White Fence are playing the Echo with Dream Boys and The Abigails- http://www.theecho.com/event/593685-white-fence-los-angeles/

REDCAT’s New Original Works Festival begins (through 8/9)- http://www.redcat.org/event/new-original-works-festival-2014

Cayucas are playing Santa Monica Pier with Papa (FREE)- http://tcs.dola.com/event/2014/07/24/cayucas-papa

Wolfmother at the House of Blues Los Angeles- http://www.houseofblues.com/losangeles/events/eventdetail/?viewNav=/event-detail&eventId=09004CCBE8A8BF04&oid=0


REDCAT presents the video work Apotome, by artists Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla. For the opening on Friday there will be an artist talk as well as a performance that goes along with the video- http://www.redcat.org/exhibition/allora-calzadilla

The Internet (soul band on Odd Future Records) is playing Figat7th Downtown Festival (free)- http://artsbrookfield.com/event/figfest/#.U9DXL6hfnU4

Second chance to catch White Fence at the Echo, this time with Tomorrow’s Tulips- http://www.theecho.com/event/593687-white-fence-los-angeles/


Mike Kelley’s show at MOCA is closing this weekend- check it out free from 6-10pm and there is a closing party from 7-10- http://sites.moca.org/the-curve/2014/07/21/closing-party/

ForYourArt event- Instagram Mini Marathon with Hans Ulrich Obrist at the Million Dollar Theatre (use FYAFRIEND for free tickets)- http://www.eventbrite.com/e/instagram-mini-marathon-with-hans-ulrich-obrist-tickets-12200380667?aff=eorg

Installations and performances by Machine Project artists at the Central Library- http://www.lfla.org/event-detail/1020/Machinations-in-the-Library-

GRMLN at Los Globos- http://www.clublosglobos.com/event/598043-ihc-los-angeles/

Saturday and Sunday

Renegade Craft Fair is at Grand Park (free)- http://www.renegadecraft.com/losangeles-july-market-details


Super Duper Yard Sale at HM157(Historical Monument 157), food, drinks, haircuts and super cheap finds in Lincoln Heights- http://www.hm157.com/calendar