Dec 062024

As part of their programming for PST: Art & Science Collide, Getty Museum is showing Lumen: The Art & Science of Light. The exhibition includes a collection of European medieval artwork, along with several contemporary works, that focus in some way on the science and concept of light.

From the museum about the show-

Through the manipulation of materials such as gold, crystal, and glass, medieval artists created dazzling light-filled environments, evoking, in the earthly world, the layered realms of the divine. To be human is to crave light. We rise and sleep according to the rhythms of the sun, and have long associated light with divinity. Focusing on the arts of western Europe, this exhibition explores the ways in which the science of light was studied by Christian, Jewish, and Muslim philosophers, theologians, and artists during the “long Middle Ages” (800-1600 CE), when science and religion were firmly intertwined. Natural philosophy (the study of the physical universe) served as the connective thread for diverse cultures across Europe and the Mediterranean, uniting scholars who inherited, translated, and improved on a common foundation of ancient Greek scholarship.

This story is equal parts science, poetics, and craft. By bringing together a variety of media that materialize light and objects that communicate how medieval people understood the lights of the heavens and of the eye, this exhibition demonstrates how science informed the artistry of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. To convey the continuing sense of wonder inspired by starry skies or moving light on precious materials, the exhibition includes several contemporary works of art placed in dialogue with historic objects.

Below are a few selections-

“On the Construction of the World”, in “Book of Divine Works (Liber divinorum operum)” (text in Latin), Rupertsberg, Rhineland, Germany, about 1210-40 CE by Hildegard of Bingen (German, 1098-1179 CE), Tempera, gold, and ink on parchment

About this work from the museum-

The nun and philosopher Hildegard of Bingen is known for her deeply religious visionary experiences in which she communed with the fiery “living light” (lux vivens) of God. Yet her evocative spiritual imagery reflects the language of science and cosmology. Shown at lower left, Hildegard, an illuminator as well as author, recorded her dazzling vision of the human at the center of nested elemental spheres. The figure is ringed by heavenly bodies, the clouds, and the winds, all encircled by the figure of flaming Caritas, or Divine Love. As a way to understand humankind’s relationship to the Godhead, Hildegard’s imagery emphasizes the correspondence between the body and the cosmos; just as the four humors affected health, the four winds controlled the earth, and the vivifying power of divine light nourished both.

“The Glorification of the Virgin”, attributed to Geertgen tot Sint Jans, Haarlem, northern Netherlands, about 1490-95 CE, Oil on panel

The painting above by Geertgen tot Sint Jans has so many fascinating details and was part of a section titled Divine Darkness.

The wall text from that section-

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all associate God with light. In the Creation story told in Genesis, when light was created, so too was darkness. As medieval optical theorists understood that sight was contingent upon light and that bodily vision was not possible in darkness, theologians of the time equated the unknowable, invisible aspects of God with darkness. According to a medieval “negative theology,” God exists beyond human perception and poses a challenge to vision itself. The fifteenth-century Christian theologian Nicholas of Cusa wrote that “God is found when all things are left behind; and this darkness is light in the Lord.” Such contradictory associations between God and both light and darkness were fundamental to the verbal and visual expressions used to elucidate the nature of the divine.

And about the painting-

Golden light surrounds the glorified Virgin Mary and Christ child at the center of this intimate and absorbingly detailed devotional painting as a luminous host of angels fills the heavens with eternal music. Their brightness contrasts with the dark perimeter that envelops this apocalyptic vision to suggest the ineffable darkness in which God dwells.

Constellations from a Hebrew Translation of Ptolemy’s “Almagest”, In an astronomical anthology (text in Hebrew), Catalonia, about 1361 CE, Tempura, gold, and ink on parchment and Astrolabe (with Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic Script), Iberia (Spain) or Italy, 1300s CE

From the museum about these two items-

In the Muslim and Christian courts of Europe, and particularly in Iberia, highly educated, multilingual Jews held important positions as physicians and astrologers. Jewish practitioners of these related fields contributed original works on astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy, drawing from and improving on Greco-Arabic sciences. At left, the Hebrew translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (a work that was little known in Europe before 1200) updated the ancient text with the addition of astronomical tables that guided religious observance. Only a small number of European astrolabes with Hebrew inscriptions survive. This exquisite example lists the names of twenty-four stars in a combination of Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic. The centermost circle marks the ecliptic, or the sun’s path, and is labeled with the zodiacal signs in Hebrew.

“Untitled (Mugarnas)”, 2012, Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, Mirrors, reverse-glass painting, and plaster on wood

One of the most impressive contemporary pieces in the show was the sculpture pictured above, by Monir Sharoudy Farmanfarmaian, which captured and reflected light so beautifully.

About the work from the museum-

Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian was deeply inspired by a visit to the Shah Cheragh shrine in Shiraz, Iran. The vaulted domes and walls of that site are covered in dazzling, intricate mirror mosaics that fracture and dematerialize space while reflecting light and amplifying movement and activity in the shrine below. Farmanfarmaian began exploring these mosaic techniques, eventually collaborating with master artisans to produce sculptural and wall-mounted works that incorporate mirror mosaic and reverse-glass painting. Untitled (Mugarnas) adopts the sacred and decorative forms that are common in Islamic architecture, and expresses the perfection of creation.

This exhibition closes 12/8/24.


Nov 202024

“Untitled”, 1930s-40s, Osamu Shiihara, photogram

The Getty has gathered several innovative photo works made from the 1920s to the 1950s for Abstracted Light: Experimental Photography, part of their PST ART: Art & Science Collide series. The exhibition also includes several experimental films and a room dedicated to Thomas Wilfred’s  “Lumia Instruments” that produce colorful moving abstract forms.

From the museum-

Light abstraction emerged after the First World War as a preoccupation of photographers and filmmakers in international centers of art production. Many artists began seeing light as something that could be manipulated, then photographed and filmed, like any other physical material. This exhibition offers a selection of works, dating from the 1920s onward, that reveals these artists’ fascination with the formal qualities of light as well as their innovative methods of projecting, reflecting, and refracting its rays to liberate their media from traditional modes of representation. They emphasized the novelty of their varied approaches by inventing new terms-including “Rayograph” (Man Ray), “Light Drawing” (Barbara Morgan), “Luminogramm” (Otto Steinert), “Photogenics” (Lotte Jacobi), and “Lumia” (Thomas Wilfred) -to characterize their work. “More and more artists of our generation have begun to contemplate light with the eyes of a sculptor gazing upon a block of marble,” noted Wilfred, “seeing in light a new and basic medium of expression with unlimited possibilities.”

Below are a few selections.

Edward W. Quigley, “Untitled (Light Abstraction)” 1931-39, and “Vortex”, 1933, Gelatin silver prints

Nathan Lerner, “Car Light Study #7”, 1939, and Hy Hersh, “Untitled (Abstraction)”, About 1950, Chromogenic print

Man Ray, “Untitled (Sequins)”, 1930 and “Untitled (Corkscrew and Lampshade)”, 1927

Francis Bruguiére, “Untitled (Design in Abstract Forms of Light)”, About 1927

This exhibition closes 11/24/24.

Nov 202024

Deana Lawson, “Black Gold (“Earth turns to gold, in the hands of the wise,” Rumi)”, 2021, Inkjet print with embedded transmission hologram in beveled-mirror frame

Detail from the image above- this hologram is of Ron Finley, an LA based food activist and farmer

Matthew Schreiber, “Bowie 1-8”, 2016-23, a series inspired by David Bowie’s death in 2016.

As part of their programming for PST ART: Art & Science Collide, The Getty is showing Sculpting with Light: Contemporary Artists and Holography. The exhibition explains the process and presents the unique ways several contemporary artists experimented with it in their work.

From the museum-

Holograms produce the magical illusion of three-dimensional objects floating in space. They were made possible by the invention of laser technology in the 1960s, and since then, many artists have experimented with the art form. This exhibition presents holograms by John Baldessari, Louise Bourgeois, Ed Ruscha, and other artists who were invited by the C Project to explore the creative potential of the medium in the 1990s. Deana Lawson turned to holography to expand her photographic practice around 2020. The master technician in both instances was artist Matthew Schreiber, whose work is also featured.

Ed Ruscha, “The End”, 1998 reissued 2016

Louise Bourgeois, “Untitled”, 1998, reissued 2014

This exhibition is on view until 11/24/24.

Oct 232024

magnetic instinct, Liz Larner’s current exhibition at Regen Projects, balances the textures and colors of her unique ceramic sculptures with the simplicity of her 1989 work Rubber Divider. The show is also part of the Getty’s PST ART: Art and Science Collide programming.

From the press release-

“…for wander is a verb that needs no object…My aim is to limit myself to the ingenuity of innate action, to be awed by it, and not to try and clear up its mysteries.”
—Fernand Deligny, The Arachnean and Other Texts, 2015, pp. 37/46

The exhibition presents new ceramic works surrounding Larner’s “Rubber Divider, 1989—two sheets of pure gum rubber connected to steel rods attached to two flame-cut, solid steel blocks that hold the tension of the opposing pull of weight and elasticity of the rubber sheets. Their opposition and mutual dependence underscores Larner’s longstanding interest in the relationship between structural support and the attitude of the object.

Engaged with the many possibilities of sculpture and abstract form, Larner uses material to encourage discoveries led by an intrinsic link between impulse and perception. Polished to a mirror finish, the brass and aluminum of these sculptures allows them to be positioned on the wall, as the side of the glazed ceramic facing the wall is reflected in the cool light of aluminum and the warm glow of brass. Each surface has its own quality, from the extremely reflective to a textured matte, and these differences create a varying vibrancy of reflected light. Larner’s ceramics highlight a symbiotic continuity that troubles definitions of art and environment, object and subject.

Larner’s morphological research thinks likewise with ecological networks, as described in the writings of Fernand Deligny, or by the botanist Anne Pringle, in “Establishing New Worlds: The Lichens of Petersham.” The dialogue between these new works and Larner’s more historic sculpture, Rubber Divider—which debuted in the 1989 Whitney Biennial—underscores the interplay between support, form, surface effect, and infrastructure, that has often animated her practice, exploring how our observed experience of the world is innately personal but based on connection. Mindful of the specter of the Anthropocene, it also occasions a meditation on how we distinguish past and present, wondering what forms, what artifacts of human action and intelligence will last, and outlast us.

Distinguished by the unique physical rules that govern its transition, from soft to fragile to almost indestructible, Larner engages clay in part because of its apparent self-determination and pliancy, a kind of material agency and chemical intelligence distinct from our own. The ceramic forms in this exhibition are molded by impressions with ubiquitous forms made with a precision that often goes unnoticed. These forms are softened by the contact of the clay being shaped by them. The consequence of this method of forming is ghostly and transpositional. Among many other potential interpretations and resonances, the exhibition’s title points to these principles, and likens them to the same encodings that inform human perception and the activity of many other life-forms, as we are learning to be of and with.

Larner’s work is also currently on view as part of Transformative Currents: Art and Action in the Pacific Ocean at the Orange County Museum of Art and For Dear Life: Art, Medicine, and Disability at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego . Both shows are also part of PST ART: Art and Science Collide.

For more on her creative process, and earlier work, check out the video below from Art21 in 2016.



Oct 172024

“Seventh Lagoon”, 1979

VSF gallery is currently showing The Harrisons’ Survival Piece #1: Air, Earth, Water, Interface: Annual Hog Pasture Mix, 1970-1971, part of The Getty’s Pacific Standard Time: Art & Science Collide.

On Thursday, 10/17, a local pig will enter the grow box to turn over the pasture in an iteration of the 2012 performance that took place at The Geffen Contemporary at MoCA.

From the gallery-

The first in their visionary series of Survival Pieces, “Hog Pasture,” as it is known by Harrison’s fans, emerged from a direct dialog with the most visionary and boundary pushing artists of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The impact of the Earth Day movement and the nascent cultural awareness that human beings were rapidly depleting the planet’s natural resources ignited a deep and sincere conversation within the art world about the stakes of art-making in the post-war, post-1968 world.

While later survival pieces highlighted a culminating harvest feast, Survival Piece #1 is focused on growth. The rectangular form of the raised planter bed and the grid of grow lights above echo sculptural innovations by artists like Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, and Richard Morris;  however, Newton Harrison had by this time decided that a sculpture or a painting was not enough. His artwork needed to not only have a moral purpose, it needed to strive to restore the earth and protect the abundant future of humans on our planet.

In 1971, shortly after their first foray into ecological art, Making Earth (which VSF exhibited earlier this year at Frieze LA and is now in the collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art) Newton and Helen heard from David Antin that Virginia Gunter at the MFA Boston was curating a show titled Earth, Air, Fire, and Water: Elements of Art and wanted to include their work alongside contemporaries including Robert Smithson, Michael Heizer, Hans Haacke, and others. Exploring ideas of growth and change, Gunter’s vision for the exhibition was meant to challenge conservative, formalist, Greenbergian ideas about art as well as expectations of the museum as an institution that primarily collected unchanging pictures and objects that somehow articulated the best ideas and techniques of the time in which they were made.

Interested in building on his use of artificial lights, Newton decided that he should actually grow something. He commissioned one of his painting students to look through seed catalogs to find a mixture that was “totally singular,” eventually landing on R.H. Shumway Seedsman’s Annual Hog Pasture Mix. In Boston, a large raised planter bed was built in a basement gallery of the museum, agricultural grow lights were installed in a parallel grid from the ceiling, a potent mix of manure, compost, worm castings, and other rich grow media were added to the planter bed, the seed mix was added, and a small pasture grew there with alarming speed. While Gunter wouldn’t allow a hog to come and graze the original hog pasture, subsequent exhibitions of the work, including Ends of the Earth: Land Art to 1974 curated by Miwon Kwon and Phillip Kaiser at MoCA in 2012, have brought the work to its natural conclusion and invited a pig in to enjoy the rich, velvety mix of legumes and grasses. Similarly, VSF has invited a hog to harvest the indoor meadow during the exhibition’s closing ceremony on October 17, 2024. The remaining pasture, earthworms, and soil mix will be gifted to visitors.

Oct 162024

Lita Albuquerque’s exhibition of new work for Earth Skin, on view at Michael Kohn Gallery, includes several dramatic blue paintings and a huge installation piece on the floor of the gallery that grabs your attention the moment you enter the gallery.

From the gallery-

Beginning her career in the 1970s with works that intimately connected her to the earth, Albuquerque’s artistic evolution envelops the cosmos and the space between it and us. Her work emanates from years of practicing the exact science of Kundalini breath technique as well as automatic writing; both drive a deep investigation and scientific inquiry of who we are as individual beings on this planet. Albuquerque further connects to the exactness of physics by a meditation she, and astronomers, call the cosmic address. These daily practices are at the root of her art, precisely positioning self to cosmos. It is those discoveries she embeds in works of art that permit us, the viewer, to experience the connections she has made between these internal and external worlds.

Thinking about the exhibition, Albuquerque writes:
Feet dancing above the earth, dancing with fervor, drumming, the increasing drumming of the feet not fragile on the fragile earth.

The wisps of bodies, like skins falling off their frames leaving the planet, the planet strong and our forms ethereal, the strength of us, our feet, on the fragile earth, the wispy lightness of us, detached from the earth, transforming into space.

The earth strong behind us, propelling us upward, giving us her strength, throwing us in the air, while we fly, never falling, the fierce intensity of our rhythm while alive, and the freedom of release from the earth.

Experiments of intensities of emotions and colors, whirling dervishes’ cyclones, Earth Skin is whispered, “Earth Skin” she whispered.

For PST’s Art and Science Collide, Albuquerque transforms the gallery with a titular installation, Earth Skin. A membrane of decomposed granite fills the space creating the illusory sensation of the earth being revealed below the gallery, as if the concrete floor has been meticulously removed. Accompanying this installation is a new series of paintings revolving around the gestures of the body and ancient marks, like a hieroglyphic code only the artist has a key for. With each gesture, Albuquerque embraces the tactile intimacy of painting, reminding us of the power of capturing and transforming the elusive into the material. This installation invites viewers to explore the shared fragility of humanity and earth.

Two of the paintings, picutred below, include poems referencing fellow artist Ana Mendieta, who was known in part for her “earth-body” work and who passed away tragically in 1985.

“Propelling Us Upwards, She, The Earth, Throwing Us In The Air While We Fly, Never Falling, A Poem for A.M.”, 2024, Pigment on Canvas

“Desire and Memory, A Poem for A.M.”, 2024, Pigment on canvas

This exhibition is part of The Getty’s Pacific Standard Time: Art and Science Collide an arts event taking place in various venues around Southern California.

For more information on Lita Albuquerque and her work Red Canary Magazine recently published an excellent article that is worth a read as well.

Jan 162020

GUPPY- Cactus Dreams

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (1/16-1/19/20)-


Artist Suné Woods is speaking at Hammer Museum

Automatic and L.A. Takedown are opening for Mr. Elevator at The Echo

LA based experimental vocalist and contemporary composer Odeya Nini will be speaking at The Broad as part of their series The Logic of Poetry and Dreams (free but reserve ticket)

Crywolf is performing an acoustic set at Moroccan Lounge with Emilie Brandt



The Aero Theatre is hosting their 15th Annual shorts program with a focus on female directors- which includes a discussion with several of the filmmakers to follow the screenings

The Egyptian Theatre is showing the film Freaked with a discussion to follow with directors Alex Winter and Tom Stern as well as co-writer Tim Burns, composer Kevin Kiner; production designer Catherine Hardwicke; special effects artists Steve Johnson, Tony Gardner and Bill Corso; actors John Hawkes and Lee Arenberg; and Henry Rollins and Paul Leary of the Butthole Surfers.

Steve Gunn is playing at Zebulon with Olgaa opening

Hieroglyphics are performing at Catch One

Patio are playing at The Hi Hat with Cheekface opening




GUPPY are playing at The Factory with Sun Kin and Sankaran

The Women’s March returns to downtown LA for it’s 4th Annual event

Multimedia performance artist Miwa Matreyek returns to REDCAT with her latest work Infinitely Yours (also on Thursday and Friday)

Photographer Mark Steinmetz will be signing his book Summer Camp at Arcana Books

Brandon Coleman is performing at Moroccan Lounge


Saturday and Sunday

The Getty is hosting Sounds of L.A. 2020 with the band 3MA, made up of three African stringed-instrument virtuosi.



Gal Pal are playing at Zebulon with Shaki and Gold Cage

Pasadena Comic Con is taking place at the Pasadena Convention Center

Aero Theatre is showing a Noah Baumbach double feature- The Squid and The Whale and Kicking and Screaming

The Egyptian Theatre is showing the Hitchcock classic Rear Window

The Flashbulb is performing at El Cid with Chihsuan Yang opening

Nov 142019

Tierra Whack- Unemployed

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (11/14-11/17-19)-


Ronald Rael, the Chair of the Department of Architecture at UC Berkeley, will engage in a presentation and discussion about art making at the US_Mexico border with W|ALLS featured photographer, designer, craftsperson, and founder of Art Made Between Opposite Sides (AMBOS) Tanya Aguiñiga at Annenberg Space for Photography. (free but register)

Artist Vishal Jugdeo will be discussing his work at The Hammer

Maxo Kream is performing at the Echoplex with Q Da Fool and Slayter

The KVB,, and Houses of Heaven are playing at The Echo

Filmforum at MOCA (Grand Avenue location) is showing All That You Can’t Leave Behind, a program of films both personal and political featuring new works by Essi, Ja’Tovia Gary, Darol Olu Kae, Rhea Storr, Sara Suarez, and ariella tai. Filmmakers Suarez and Kae will be in-person to discuss their work.

Polo & Pan are performing at The Novo

Twin Peaks, Post Animal, and Ohmme are playing at the Teragram Ballroom



Sylvan Esso are performing WITH at the Walt Disney Concert Hall with Hand Habits opening (also Thursday)

Constitutional Happy Hour returns to The Hammer with Loyola Law School professor Jessica Levinson discusses impeachment—Article II. (free)

Metro Art is having a free screening of Richard Linklater’s animated film Waking Life

Frankie Cosmos is playing at 1720 with Stephen Steinbrink, Dear Nora, and Lomelda

James Supercave is playing at Civic Center Studios with “surreal dance act” CAPYAC

Hovvdy are playing at Moroccan Lounge with Nick Dorian and Carolyn Says



Friday and Saturday

Adult Swim Festival 2019 is taking place at Banc of America Stadium in DTLA. On Friday performers include Dethklok, Captain Murphy, Leikeli47, Health, and more. On Saturday Vince Staples, Jamie XX, 2 Chainz, Tierra Whack, clipping., Freddie Gibbs & Madlib, and more will perform, along with a live version of The Eric Andre Show. There will also be screenings, games and attractions, and more.

Spaceland and Other Music are hosting The Get Together 2019 Label Fair and Music Festival at The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA. On Friday Joe Kay, Marco McKennis, and Full Crate are performing. On Saturday is the Record Label Fair and performances by Anna Wise, William Basinski, and more. In the evening, Lee Fields will be perform backed by El Michels Affair, as well as Bobby Oroza, Brainstory and Holy Hive.



Artists Gilbert & George will be in conversation with critic Jonathan Griffin at Sprüth Magers (free but RSVP)

GRMLN are playing at The Smell with Foliage

Jidenna is performing at the Belasco Theater

Artists Constance Mallinson and Jeffrey Vallance will be discussing collecting, curating and making art at Edward Cella Art & Architiecture

For the 7th year, Gabba Gallery is having its affordable art show Wishlist and tonight is the opening

Jonathan Bree is playing at Lodge Room with Ryder the Eagle and Nico Turner

Mating Ritual are playing at the Teragram Ballroom with Superet and Low Hum


Saturday and Sunday

Bridge-s, is a performance series at The Getty curated by Solange Knowles and features a new performance by Gerard & Kelly, with a special musical score by Solange featuring Cooper-Moore, brought to life by a group of dancers and musicians across Getty’s iconic architecture. The performance piece takes place all day around the center and also includes film screenings and an artist talk with British-Ghanaian philosopher Kodwo Eshun.(free)

Jackalope Indie Artisan Fair returns for two days to Pasadena’s Central Park



From 12:30- 2:20pm LACMA is offering a free taste of the Japanese Nebuta Festival with a large paper lantern float depicting Japanese folk hero Kintoki by Nebuta Master Hiroo Takenami on display and a series of short performances by taiko drummers, flute and hand cymbal players, and dancers taking place in front of the float.

LAXART is hosting a performance of the in progress, debut play Lives of the Performers, by critic and writer Hilton Als. Free, first come first served. (also on Monday)

The Annual Tree Lighting celebration with performances and fireworks is happening at The Grove

Ghostland Observatory are playing at The Regent Theater with MUNYA

The Ocean Blue are playing at the Echoplex

Oct 242019

Mikal Cronin- Show Me

Things to do in Los Angeles this weekend (10/24-10/27/19)-


Oh Land is performing at the Bootleg Theater with Arthur Moon

X-TRA magazine is having a Fall Launch at Now Instant which includes a screening of artist and writer Nick Herman’s Some Among Others: Mexican Sound and Video Art

Poet Jana Prikyl is reading her work at the Hammer Museum

Plague Vendor are playing at The Echo with No Parents and Spirit Mother

D. A. Stern and Marso are playing a free show at Gold Diggers with a DJ set by Polyplastic



Mikal Cronin is playing at the Teragram Ballroom with Shannon Lay and Spring Summer

Late Night! At The Skirball features an outdoor screening of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining to coincide with their exhibition Through a Different Lens: Stanley Kubrick Photographs. The event includes late night access to the galleries as well as a DJ, food trucks. a bar and more. ($5)

Michael Govan, the CEO and Wallis Annenberg Director of the LACMA, will be discussing the experience of working with Dan Flavin on the artist’s final commission, an installation in the interior of a church, Chiesa di Santa Maria Annunciata in Chiesa Rossa, Milan, at Bridge Projects

FIGat7th is hosting its 5th Annual Day of the Dead Celebration with face painting, tequila tasting, DJs and a Design Your Own Poster printmaking workshop by Self Help Graphics & Art (free)

Aldous Harding is playing at The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever with Hand Habits opening

WHAP! Lecture Series at the West Hollywood Public Library continues with Sarah Roberts’ Behind the Screen: Content Moderation in the Shadows of Social Media

RF Shannon and Jess Williamson are playing a free early show at Gold Diggers

Danny Brown is performing at The Regent Theater with Ashnikko and Zeelooperz

The Echoplex is hosting Firewalk With Me: A Twin Peaks Halloween Party with live performances and DJ sets- including a performance by Angela Seo of Xiu Xiu, photobooths, art installations, and more

Heart Bones (Har Mar Superstar and Sabrina Ellis) are performing at the Bootleg Theater with The Pink Slips and DYGL opening



Photographer Stephen Wilkes will be at Fahey/Klein Gallery to give a talk and sign his book from 2-4pm

Grand Park and Self Help Graphics & Art are hosting the annual commemoration of Noche de Ofrenda (Night of Altars) with a first look at the altars and live entertainment at Grand Park’s Performance Lawn

The Theatre at the Ace Hotel with the LA Opera is showing Hitchcock’s Psycho with a live orchestra performing the score. Tonight there is also a Hitchcock Halloween Afterparty to follow. (screenings of Psycho taking place on Friday and Sunday also)

Saintseneca is playing at the Bootleg Theater with A.O. Gerber opening

Morrissey is playing at the Hollywood Bowl with special guest Interpol

Fell Runner, Sofia Bolt, and Bridal Party are playing a free show at Zebulon


Saturday and Sunday

The Fall Brewery Art Walk is a great way to check out what artists are creating in this massive complex (free)

Heritage Square is hosting Los Angeles True Crime Stories, which will present historic characters, crime reenactments and early investigators recreating conventional methods of the day to solve cases and bring perpetrators to justice. Additionally, participants will discover how poisons and other typical methods of murder were employed in early Los Angeles crime history. ($20)



Cody Trepte and Charles Gaines will be in conversation at Meliksetian Briggs (RSVP at bottom of this pdf)

Chief curator Connie Butler is leading a walkthrough of Lari Pittman: Declaration of Independence at the Hammer Museum at 2pm

Author Alice Hoffman will be discussing her new novel The World That We Knew at Skirball Cultural Center ($10)

Alexander Nemerov, chair of art and art history at Stanford University, will be at The Getty for the talk- True Guilt: Edward Hopper and the Death of George Bellows (free but ticket required)

Prepare to be scared at Hollywood Forever Cemetery where there is a screening of the 1974 horror classic Texas Chainsaw Massacre

(Sandy) Alex G is playing at The Fonda Theatre with Tomberlin and Slow Pulp

Marc Almond of Soft Cell is performing at the Palace Theatre with a special performance by Dita Von Teese